Botswana Speaks was in Chadibe Kgotla where Hon.Molao addressed the constituents about Botswana Speaks.He encouraged the citizens to use internet access points from SmartBots to access crucial initiatives such as Botswana Speaks,Chema Chema as well as Temo Letlotlo.

In addition Mr.Sehularo explained that Botswana Speaks was like a digitalized Kgotla made to enhance convenience for the public regarding matters of concern and nation building.

Motswana wetsho,itse fa lenaneo la Botswana Speaks le diretswe go ka go thusa go bua,go ipuelela,go tsenya ngongorego, kgotsa go kopa thuso mo Mopalamenteng wa kgaolo ya gago.

Ikwadise ko




